Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Who? Not me! Not this year any way. it was supposed to be my Cross-year. I made up my mind that, of all the kinds of bicycle racing that there was,cyclocross was the only kind that I would ever be interested in actually doing. Of course, it was the only kind of race that I ever actually saw in person too. It may have had some impact on my descision.

As you might have guessed, a number of factors conspired againste to keeps from achieving the fitness and equiemt goals that even a whole-hearted effort to finish dead last would have entailed. I hung my head in shame as smer turned to fall and I knew that I had failed in my goal.

This year things are different. Not in a hypothetical or theoretical way, like a re-resolution of last years New Years promises, but in a very physical, durable goods sort of way.

I bought a cross bike! Ok, it's not a good cross bike. It's more than good enough for my "Race for Last Place" but not, as far as racing goes, much else. What it IS good for is riding arround in all conditions and on all terraines. It was pristine. Owned by a nice little old man who only rode it to work a couple miles from his house in good weather. Untill he got laid off a short time later. Me? First ride was through the mud. Second ride, also throughout the mud. On the third ride, I added in some dirt trails, frozen water crossing, single track and a couple of those wooden MTB bridges. Ok, I would have added those in but I crashed Out trying to climb up onto the first one. I went head first, actually, but "plastic amd foam before skin and bone", my helmet saved my squash.

And cloths! Oh man did I ever luck out on cold AND warm weather cycling cloths. I'll leave out the details since some of the more delicate readers might be perturbed, but I got a smokin' deal on a ton of stuff. I can ride and not freez OR chafe! I'm pretty pleased with that. Add to that the fact that it's been pretty warm and dry for winter and I've been able to actually ride! Not a lot, just too many other things going on but certainly more than normal. And this year I HAVE TO keep riding, inside or out

Why? Because I owe it to my teammates! Yes. Yes I did. I signed up to NE on a MTB race team. I don't figure I'll win much. I just want to show the flag for a worthy cause, meet some cool people and have a little fun. Knowing that people are counting on me, even just a litle bit, gets me walking down those basement stairs to the trainer when I'd rather be playing with the baby or snuggling with the wife. I still can't go very long or very far but, if I keep at it who knows? Maybe I can get in shape enough to only finish second to last!