With our pending house purchase looming, we set out to find, at her request, the "perfect" bike for her.We started out close to home. That makes sense right? She didn't like any of them. We tried a little farther and she didn't like any of them. Well, that's not true. She liked one of them but the clerk would not let he ride the thing around the parking lot because it was raining. A little. This was a shop that has long been known not as a "bike" shop but a "mountain bike" shop. I guess things are going so well there the they don't need our money. Off to the next stop. There is a bike shop in Middleton that had the up-dated version of the model that she rode on vacation that she liked so much. Sure enough, she loved this bike BUT not as much as the "real" one that she rented and rode on vacation. That bike, you see, had an internally geared hub and that model was no longer made. She was pretty sure that she was going to order one of them. Just the same, she wanted to check out what the bike shop in the nicest suburb around had to offer and there she found "her" bike. A 2012 Specialized Ariel. We all agreed that it was a bike that she would find less comfortable on the first few rides, but want to ride more often as she grew used to to it. Of course, if she didn't lie it right away, she would never get to that point. It was decided: she would order the Comfort Hybrid. The plan was set.

So, of course the next day, she bought the Specialized Ariel. Between the day that she bought it and the first day that she got to ride it, she decided that she hated it. Oh great. That lasted about 15 seconds into the ride. She absolutely loves this bike. So much so that she is even contemplating allowing a bicycle rack placed on her car!