A blog about my experiences cycling in and about Haverhill, a not-so-tony urban suburb of Boston.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I have burned Zero calories
I was supposed to go riding yesterday but my little girl was sick so I just hung out with her. Not a single calorie burned but the snuggle time was priceless. AND she feels better today. THAT'S the power of daddy. Work today but tomorrow.....
1/3/11 Rode The Basement for a half hour today. Spun it a little
1/1/11 I left the house. On a bike! I took the 820 out for a spin. Only went a few miles and hammered like a kid instead of spun like a fat old guy tring to loose weight but the bike IS now, officialy and beater on it's way to rusting into junk.
12/17/10 45 min on the trainer. Irish Punk set the cadance.
12/13/10 12 miles on the 820 (?). 50 degrees wet ground but not raining.
12/11/10 5.5 Miles on the new Trek. It's an OK bike. I'm getting the Raleigh overhauled this winter!
12/10/10 Trainer Only a half hour but I used a Metronome and Public Enemy to keep the intensity UP!
12/4/10 I did an hour on the trainer today. I did a couple hours a few times since I last posted but DIDN'T log tham so now I have no way to track my progress.
11/24/10 Cold and windy and just about dark by the time I got up. Did an hour on the trainer.
11/22/10 11 miles on the Marathon. Almost did not walk up Nemisis at all.
11/21/10 Measured out to be about 11 miles. Not bad considering that I almost scrubbed after the first two!
11/20/10 9 miles on the UO-8. About 8.5 too many. Also did six miles yesterday. Didn't go far but POUNDED it out.
11/15/10 10 miles on the Marathon. Easier than it was on Saturday even though I was about half as motivated when I started out.
11/14/10 4-5 miles on the 820 pulling a trailer full of Bruce
11/13/10 10 miles. Done,
11/7/10 After a two and a half week hiatus I went six and a half miles in the cold and rain on the 820. Not bad....
10/20/10 about 5 miles of riding arround. I also rode a little over the last ten days but nothing that I can remember the place or ,ilage. Just "arround".
10/10/10 7.2 Miles
10/;08/10 6 miles had to do some road-side adjustment and need to do some ACTUAL adjustments.
10/06/10 Cold and rainy so I hit the trainer while The Bruce was napping. 15 big mins!
10/04/10 ten SOLID miles on my Vintage Marathon. OK. I made the jump NOW can I keep it up?
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