Monday, August 2, 2010

Saddle Sore

After putting a couple hundred miles on the Vintage Leather Saddle, and by "vintage" I mean that the actual saddle is wicked old, it's just not working for me. It's not breaking in. It's making my but uncomfortable and I'm not even sure that it was adjusted right. So I replaced it. I have a"trek" brand saddle that is pretty wide so of course I didn't use that one but a smaller one that I salvaged off of a Shogun 400. It took me a few tries to get it adjusted right but after a while I got the riding position right but it was only slightly more comfortable than the old leather one had been.

But what to do? Why, get a more comfortable one of course! Which one though? How can you pick one? There are all kinds of leather ones, and a billion kinds of synthetic ones. How do I pick one? I have no idea. I guess I'll try the one that's on there again since it IS marginally more comfortable than the other one. But I'm serious. How the heck DOES one pick a descent, comfortable bicycle seat?

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