I got the new chain and derailure on the BOP (Big 'Ole Peugeot) last night and got the new tube in and got every thing adjusted. I took her out for a spin this afternoon and I have to say that I love how it rode. Despite the fact that I really, really want this bike to work for me it simply IS too large. It's funny but I have a 60cm Raleigh Marathon that fits me very well, and I have a 54cm PRN-10 that is supposed to be too small for me but is not that bad really. Yet, bumping the frame up just 4cm is over the top. It worked well if it weren't for the looong reach to the bars it would be.....still too big for me. Saddle is slammed and the darn thing makes me feel like a10 year old who stole his fathers whip.
My Skilz.
A win is a win right? Well, until your next loss any way and when you loose two in a row, at home, it shakes your confidence and tonight my confidence is shook! Monday night, hen I had game I took the front tire off the Triumph, flipped it around so it was rolling the right way, changes the tube,re-installed the fender so that it didn't rub and called it a day. The chain, I noticed was prety loose, so I left it on the Park Tools Repair Stand to await final adjustment. Which was today. The day that I found out that one of the nuts that hold the back wheel on is stripped or something. Hum, I wonder, too late, if the nuts are different sizes from one side of the wheel to the next? IDK. I'm going to try to get another nut. I hope that they are not some Raleigh-specific spec. that is un-replaceable!
Well, since THAT didn't work out I thought that I would adjust the handle bars on the PRN-10. I got a socket in there and loosened the pinch-bolt, rotated the bars to the desired position and then could NOT get the bolt to tighten. The thing just spin in it's little housing as I try to tighten the nut. There is no slot for a screwdriver or other tool. I tried to hold it still with my thumb but, clearly, that didn't work. So, I am at a loss as how to tighten what should be a fool-proof bolt to adjust! Two losses in a row. I quit and went upstairs to play with the baby.
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