Friday, November 30, 2012

He's "just" a bike mechanic?

As I have mentioned before, to any one who would listen, I love, love LOVE my Trek 820! It's been a good bike and I don't know that I can bring myself to part with her but I needed a change. The problem is, you see, that my wife got herself a new bike. A hybrid. She dusts me now. I can't keep up on a bike that weighs as much as the 820 with wheels as small as the 820 and towing 40-50 pounds of child and trailer behind me (she claims that I deserve he handicap). To be fair, there were a couple of thins on my "wish list" for the 820, the most significant of them being a rigid fork. I have long said that if any thing ever happened to my 820 I would replace it with a bottom-line Trek hybrid. When a 2011 Trek 7.2fx popped up on my local Craigslist for pretty cheep money and in "very good condition" I had to go take a look at it. What started out as a bike purchase soon became a bike rescue.

It was clear that this thing had sen better days.It was scuffed up for sure and needed a tune-up but it seemed to be mechanically sound so I forked over the dough and took her home. I decided that, since I have more time than money right now, I would do the tune-up myself. It's not going well. I have been at this, off and on, for days now and it sill isn't right. What I need to do is get all new cables and housings for it. I had to bring the back wheel in and have a spoke replaced and trued though, and the set me back a few dollars that I didn't want to spend. Now, I can't get the front wheel to spin freely. It stops in the same place each time, indicating to me that the front wheel is also out of true. OR I adjusted the breaks wrong. I haven't even started on the shifting problems yet! It's been a lot or trial and error so far and I am "this close" from throwing in the towel and punting it to a professional. I suppose it's easy if you do it every day but despite the simplicity of a bicycle it's a delicate process getting it "just right".

I am eager to give this thing a real ride and see if it's every thing that the 820 was but, you know, faster! I guess I can head down to the LBS and get the cables and stuff but I'm afraid that some of the components might just be worn out and that I can adjust to my heart's content and never get it right and never figure out if it's me or the bike that's out of sorts. If I start throwing more money at this thing I might as well just buy a brand new one. Oh, and it wasn't a 2011. It was a 2007. Kind of a different  beast. Maybe I'll just put it back on CL and get the new one after all.


Frustrated In The Tween Space.

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