I picked this little number up right before Cristmas but did not get a chance to really look at her till tonight. She's a Triumph 3-speed, all black and made in Nottingham! Very nice. It came without fenders and that makes me just a little sad. It DID come with a nice looking OEM Brooks sprung saddle and another, non-branded leather springer. I got the hub's little chain un-buggered and pumped up the tires and adjusted the shifter and took her out for a ride. OW! I need to adjust the chain tighter. I didn't want to make it too tight but in the process I left it slack enough that the chain jumped forward on the sprocket and I smashed my knee. I'm not sure that I have the shifters adjusted just right, even following the Sheldon Brown article ( http://www.sheldonbrown.com/sturmey-archer.html ). I need to make a few final adjustments. get some fenders for her and a nice rack, and voila! I can tell you rigth now, just from riding it up and down the hills in my neighborhood, three speeds with a stock rear sprocket is NOT GROVY on the hills.
UPDATE: The little chain thingie was NOT un-buggered. IT was still very much buggered! It looked like this:
Now, I could find no pictures on the internet of the right side of a Sturmey Archer hub installed on a bike so...here it is. Installed incorrectly. That little chain thingie needs to be sticking out of the END of the knurled metal part. Trust me: it works SO MUCH better that way! Once again, here is the chain from an internally geared Sturmey Archer Hub incorrectly installed.
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